Saturday, October 19, 2013

How to Use Google Plus For Busines..By Nikki Woods

Google-PlusThere are a variety of words marketers and advertisers use to describe something that’s new and improved.  In fact, golden, fresh, real, premier and extra are just a few of them.  Smart consumers are on to these words, so when companies claim their products are offering something bigger or better, they hold them to it.
Google introduced Google+ in the spring of 2013 and so far, it is living up to its name with such extras and Hangouts, Circles, Sparks and more things to truly distinguish itself from its predecessor.  Combining Search Engine Optimization and a social media site has proven to be a success.  It’s an excellent tool for increasing your Global Visibility since it offers innovative ways to connect you with more people. If you haven’t had a chance to test out the bells and whistles her are 8 tips for using Google + to freshen up your business.
#1 – Link your other social networks with your Google+ account.
With Google+, you can add a +1 icon on a post at your Twitter or Facebook. Sharing your profile on popular networking sites helps you advertise your Google+ account and connect with fellow account holders.
#2 – Find associated groups and connect with them.
Having affiliated groups in Google+ will boost your connections with fellow businesses. It increases your ability to network with current and potential clients, competitors, suppliers and even investors. Using circles to segregate different segments of your tribe or network – customers, family and friends, investors, etc. – will make it easier to share valuable information based on the needs of your circle.
#3 – Complete your profile.
Adding your business’ tagline plus the products and services you provide to your Google+ profile is a great way to share what you and your company are about. Include your company’s official website, too, if you have one. If you don’t read my article on the importance anchoring your platform with your website or blog.  Also, be sure to use key words that will make your business easy to search.
#4 – Customize your profile.
If completing your profile is the cake, then customizing it is the icing.  Make it special by adding your personal flare but make sure it still appeals to the public. You also want to make sure that it is consistent with your other online properties so that you’re brand is easily recognizable.  Always include profile information that shares something about your business along with a cover photo. Remember, for people who don’t know you or your business it may be your one chance to make a great impression. Add the “About” section to provide other additional information.
#5 – Share posts at the best times possible.
According to Google’s statistics, the best time to post are between 11 am and 2pm then again from 7pm to 10pm. Google+ has a feature that calculates the frequency of your posts being visited at a specific time of the day. Use the data wisely to get the most out of the information you share.
#6 – Share videos
Google has connected with YouTube, making video sharing possible. It’s now an excellent medium for offering video tutorials, footage of company events, interaction with staff and employees, and other creative ways to let the world know what makes you and your company unique.
#7 – Have focus groups.
Focus groups are a way to expose specific groups to a certain products.  It allows you to get honest feed back and to connect with new audiences. This is a great way to find out whether or not your are proving your fans, followers and clients with the kind of information, services or products that they really want. With Google Hangouts, you can have a live group video chat, record it and use it in other areas of your business.
#8 – Balance your posts to reflect your some of your professional and personal life
Even you’re goal is to improve your business you are using social media to do it so don’t forget about the importance building relationships.  Too much selling is a turn off.  Always observe the 70/20/10 rule.  Your posts should break down like this: 70% value; 20% value from others; 10% promotional. Giving tons value to your social connections is key.
If your goal really is to increase your Global Visibility, continuing to find new ways to make your business pop with your customer base and prospective customers as well, should always be in the forefront of your marketing plan.
Google+ is one way to put a new shine on your business and that adds up to more customers and more money.

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